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Swift Proposal: Balanced Binary Reduction

By: Justin Meiners 06/14/2021


Swift’s reduce can be used to accumulate elements in a sequence. For example:

[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0].reduce(0.0, +)

If we visualize the expression tree for this operation it’s essentially linear. You can think of it as a binary tree which is completely unbalanced.

/     /      /    /
1.0   2.0   3.0  4.0

Assuming the binary operation is associative then we can choose which order to evalulate arguments in. For example, we could image a function balancedReduce which rearranges the order of evaluation to the following:

    /      \
   /         \
  3.0       7.0
 /  \      /    \
1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0

We haven’t changed the result at all, just the order it’s evaluated in. It’s mathematically equivalent. However, there are lot’s of good computational reasons why one might want to do this.

Example Applications

These are just a few to illustrate it is a general problem:

  1. Adding up many floating point results (as in my example above). Adding small numbers to larger numbers produced poor numerical results. Given a long enough list of values of similar magnitutdes this is guarenteed to happen.

    In contrast a balanced evaluation of such values will only add similarly sized values. (Intermediate results which are the result of adding equal numbers of values together).

  2. Merge sort can be written by applying the binary operation of “merge sorted list” to a sequence of lists:

    [ [a1], [a2], ... [an] ]

    If you do this with reduce it is essentially insertion sort, one element is inserted into the growing list at a time. If you use a balancedReduce it will only merge lists that are roughly the same size, giving a proper O(n log(n)) merge.

  3. It can be used to solve the problem of finding the smallest element, and second smallest element, in a sequence in the optimal number of comparisons. (Described in 5.3.3 of Volume 3 of Art of Computer Programming).

Proposed changes.

This capability can be added with a simple extension to Sequences of Equatable types.

extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
    func balancedReduce(
        zero: Element,
        operation op: (Element, Element) -> Element
    ) -> Element{
        var counter = Array(repeating: zero, count: 32)

        for x in self {
            let carry = BinaryCounter.add(to: &counter,
                                          x: x,
                                          zero: zero,
                                          operation: op)

            assert(carry == zero, "reduced too many things")

        return BinaryCounter.reduce(counter: &counter,
                                    zero: zero,
                                    operation: op)

struct BinaryCounter {
    private init() {}

    static func add<C: MutableCollection>(
        to counter: inout C,
        x: C.Element,
        zero: C.Element,
        operation op: (C.Element, C.Element) -> C.Element
    ) -> C.Element where C.Element: Equatable {

        var i = counter.startIndex
        let end = counter.endIndex

        var carry = x
        while i != end {
            if counter[i] == zero {
                counter[i] = carry
                return zero

            carry = op(counter[i], carry)
            counter[i] = zero
            i = counter.index(after: i)

        return carry

    static func reduce<C: MutableCollection>(
        counter: inout C,
        zero: C.Element,
        operation op: (C.Element, C.Element) -> C.Element
    ) -> C.Element where C.Element: Equatable {

        var i = counter.startIndex
        let end = counter.endIndex

        // find first non-zero
        while i != end && counter[i] == zero {
            i = counter.index(after: i)

        if i == end {
            return zero

        var x = counter[i]
        i = counter.index(after: i)
        assert(x != zero)

        while i != end {
            if counter[i] != zero {
                x = op(x, counter[i])
            i = counter.index(after: i)

        return x

The implentation is very efficent, adding very few additional computaitons and using an additional piece of memory, roughly of size log(n).

Application examples

This implementation of merge sort is just for fun to show how it works.

func mergeSorted<T>(
    _ a: [T],
    _ b: [T]
) -> [T] where T: Comparable  {
    var i = a.startIndex
    var j = b.startIndex

    var out: [T] = []

    while i != a.endIndex && j != b.endIndex {
        if b[j] < a[i] {
            j = a.index(after: j)
        } else {
            i = a.index(after: i)

    if j != a.endIndex {
        out.append(contentsOf: b.suffix(from: j))
    } else {
        out.append(contentsOf: a.suffix(from: i))

    return out

func mergeSort<S: Sequence>(
    _ items: S
) -> [S.Element] where S.Element: Comparable {

    let singletons: [[S.Element]] = items.map { [$0] }
    let zero: [S.Element] = []

    return singletons.balancedFold(zero: zero, operation: mergeSorted)


It’s too theoretical

All of the theory is hidden inside, outside it looks like just fold/reduce. If you don’t know what it does, it still gives expected results.

Furthmore, it can be benefecial even if you don’t copmletely understand it. For example, advice could be given to “use this one to add up large lists of float” and it would benefit them.

The zero parameter is weird. Should it be nil instead?

I am unsure. My assumption was that introducing nil in the intermediate computation adds a lot of boxing/unboxing.

The name is bad/wrong

I am not attached to the name and happy to hear recommendations.

Can we make the 32/64 parameter less arbitary?

Of course 2^64 is the max of a 64 bit integer. Arrays of more than 2^64 elements are probably already disallowed. That’s assuming every element is a byte, so 2^32 seems like a reasonable upper bound assumption for the size of a sequence.

It could be a parameter, although this seems like a messy detail to expose.


I learned about this techinque from Alex Stepanov, the author of C++ STL. It is described in the book “Elements of Programming” chapter 11.2.

There is a related concept in C++. std::accumlate does a normal left fold, std::reduce is allowed to associate its arguments in any order it prefers. It additionally requires the operation is commutative, which I do not think is necessary for this. It appears std::reduce is primarily to facilitate parallel computation, but it demonstrates two similar operations whose results only differ on their association order.